Adopting a recognised brand can deliver robust revenue streams but will attract fees often at several levels in addition to upfront costs. Countrywide can offer financial projections to assist the owner in this key decision and engage with the major brands on the owner’s behalf. If required, Countrywide can ultimately operate the hotel under the chosen brand procedures.

Brands can, and do, drive revenues through their recognition, association, promotions and even loyalty schemes. Many of the larger, international brands will have rigid, long-term contracts and detailed conditions in return for adopting their brand to your business. Countrywide will take an owner through the spectrum of brand options and the associated costs which can include up-front product adaptation costs, signage and collateral, marketing costs, system costs, fees per booking and loyalty scheme costs.

Some brands will detail your interior design schemes and audit regularly to ensure brand compliance. At the other end of the spectrum is increased flexibility around term and pricing simplified around commissions. Countrywide can demonstrate how a national brand can be outperformed in terms of financial returns by a well-led local team. To brand or not to brand is an important decision for your hotel, one which Countrywide can help explain and demonstrate the upsides and downsides.

Find out more about how Countrywide can help you.